Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecommunicazioni

Research Unit of Roma Tor Vergata

Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Bianchi

Via Del Politecnico 1

00133 Roma


CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications) is a non-profit Consortium, bringing together 37 Italian Universities to foster research activity in the field of telecommunications, and provide facilities and clustering support to the Italian academic ICT research community. CNIT participated in hundreds of research projects, including EU coordinated projects, ERC grants and Italian nation-wide initiatives. It comprises three national laboratories (Photonic Networks and Radar and Surveillance Systems, in Pisa, Multimedia Communications, in Naples) and 37 Research Units, one for each participating university.

In the project, CNIT will be involved with the University of Rome Tor Vergata research unit, which has a large expertise in EU projects and has a significant track of research accomplishments and top tier publications. In addition to scientific expertise, CNIT’s team has the capability to build both software and hardware demonstrators and to organize workshops and conferences (having chaired twice, among the others, INFOCOM, the IEEE comsoc flagship conference), and is active in the editorial and technical boards of several major journals and conferences, including the premier networking journal, the IEEE/ACM transactions on Networking (twice).